Catechism and prayers

Orthodox catechism and prayers...

Prayer of thanksgiving to the Mother of God

Blessed Virgin, Most Pure Mother of God, Thank you for being our Good, Loving and Quick Helper Mother! I thank You for all Your miracle-working icons and for all the Grace that pours through them! I thank you Mother for all your holy communications, for health, for help, for your care as a Loving Mother towards all of us! I thank you that you do not leave us prey to the evil one, but protect us and cover us under your Holy Cover! Forgive me Mother for my many sins and please help me to repent for all my mistakes in this life! Thank you for praying for us and for taking our prayers to the Good God to help us pass from this life to eternal life! Thank you, Mother, for praying for the return to faith of those in my family, but also of those who are looking for God and have not yet found Him! Thank you Mother for your care as a Mother, for your holy love and for all your help! I love You too, I praise You and I thank You for everything! Amen!

It is fitting that we bow our knees and pray to the Lord...

Prayer to God the Father

Almighty Mistress, wise and all-good Lord, Originator without beginning of the Son born of one being and Pursuer of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit, eternal and ever-begotten; Himself the causer of the procession, Whose magnificence is boundless, glory unspeakable and mercy immeasurable; The one who brought us from nothingness and honored us with your most precious face; Who gave us unworthy people not only to know You and to love You, but what is even more precious, that you made us worthy to call You Father. We thank you, God of mercy and mercy, who did not leave us, those who violated your commandment, in the midst of sin and in the shadow of death; but you were pleased to send to earth, for our salvation, your only-begotten Son, through whom the ages were made, so that through his incarnation and his fearful passions, we may be delivered from the torment of the devil and from the corruption of death. We thank You, God of love and power, that after the ascension to heaven of our Precious Savior, You also sent Your Most Holy Spirit upon His chosen disciples and apostles, so that through the power of their God-inspired preaching the whole world would be enlightened with the pure light of Your Gospel. So, You, Lover of men, Lord, listen now to the humble prayer of Your unworthy sons, that as You built us only for Your goodness and redeemed us for Your mercy, so save us for Your mercy, so save us according to Your incomparable mercy; because from our deeds we have no trace of repentance, but the right reward and separation from Your pre-illuminated face awaits us. That if we will be asked to answer for all the words in the desert on the day of judgment and reward, for our countless transgressions, with which we have sinned before You, then what answer will we, the poor, give on that day? For this we run towards Your kindness, which overwhelms all mind and word, praying to You: we have made a mistake, cleanse us, Lord; I have sinned, forgive us, Lord, I have angered You, have mercy on You, long-suffering One. And especially protect our mind, science and heart from the evils of the world; deliver us and save us from the most enveloping storm of passions and falling into known and unknown sins; directs us to the smooth harbor of faith, love and hope of eternal life. Remember us, Lord, in Your mercy; grant us all the requests for salvation, and above all a clean and blameless life; entitle us to love You and to fear You with all our hearts and to do Your holy will; for the prayers of our Most Pure Lady the Mother of God and of all the saints. As a good and loving God, you are our God, and to you we raise glory, thanksgiving and worship, together with your beginningless Son and with your most holy and good and life-creating Spirit; now and forever and ever. Amen.


The most comprehensive definition of faith was left, over the centuries, by the Holy Apostle Paul: "Faith is the confirmation of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 0049 017634266176. Simple and to the point. Dogmatic theology, developing the definition of the Holy Apostle Paul, says about faith that is, first of all, the gift of God. It is the fruit of cooperation between God and man. Faith cannot be bought or learned, because "the world, through wisdom , could not know God" (1 Corinthians 1:21).

Faith is a gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is not given on the basis of facts, so that no one can boast. No one is too bad or too good, too poor or too rich, too young or too old to receive this precious gift. Man only has to be ready to receive it.

It is not by chance that the divine Fathers established, in the Symbol of Faith that we recite at every Liturgy, the word - "I believe". It is the confirmation of the fact that our entire Eucharistic life has faith as its beginning.

But, in our eyes looking for the tangible, the concrete, all these seem like school notions - placed in a forgotten textbook. Specifically, how do we understand faith?

First of all, faith produces a new life, which manifests itself in measurable things, day by day. The first evidence of faith is love for God. A selfless love for His nature, for His glory, loving prayer, the Divine Liturgy and goodness. A feeling that makes you feel like a lover. Faith is manifested in the longing for God, as the hymn of the Church poetically sings: "sweeten me with your longing for Christ and change me with your divine love". It is something that consumes you inside for God and, at the same time, for your fellow man. A restlessness that, eucharistically fulfilled, becomes sweet joy.

St. Gospel

The Holy Gospel is Christ Himself, present in the heart of the Church, through His words, because He is the Word of God incarnate. Origen said that "we share with Christ through the Word and through the Bread", that is, through the Holy Gospel and the Holy Eucharist.

The Holy Gospel represents the seal of our Orthodox faith, the foundation of the "New Law", received from the Only Son of the Father, on Mount Golgotha. It was first transmitted orally, by the Holy Apostles, and then it was written by the four great evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

For us, the faithful, the meeting with God takes place within the holy services, which actually represent the living and embodiment of the Holy Gospel. Both the Holy Liturgy and Matins, the sunrise service on Sundays and holidays, or the services of the Holy Mysteries: Marriage, Maslu, contain parts of the Holy Gospel.

During the Matins service, when the dawn of light overcomes the night of darkness and sin, the faithful direct their first thoughts of the morning to God the Father, worshiping and kissing the Holy Gospel.

The Holy Gospel therefore represents a bridge between heaven and earth, between the Lord Jesus Christ, about whom the Gospel preaches, and the believers present at the holy services who stand before the Savior.

Your living..

What does it mean to be a Christian and to live according to God's will and pleasure?

What does it mean to be a Christian, what is a Christian like, or who is truly a Christian?" Many say that they are believers or Christians, but most have no idea what that means, they think they are believers because they lived in a deceptive context, where if everyone says they are believers in their own way, they quickly say so too , but that does not mean that they are truly faithful. Others are so moral and religious that they think they are good and if they do not see their depraved state of sin, they will end up in eternal hell where there are many religious and moral people. So, with the Bible in front of me as usual, I want to talk about the evidence of being born again, about what it is like and how an authentic Christian lives. Because this topic is one of the most important topics, I feel tense and yet free to talk about this topic, because as I say in the other articles, the Bible is clear and who is not truly a Christian, not just by name with the presence, not only with the opinion or the assumption, but with his whole being, otherwise that person will end up in the place where he will never be able to change anything, the eternal hell.

The true Christian is not changed by himself, but by God himself. That is why the one changed by God will remain changed. Most of those who think they are Christians or who once made a momentary decision for the LORD CHRIST and who now live in the subjugation of lusts and vices, they have changed themselves and not the LORD CHRIST, because when God begins "this good work he will do until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6.

You see, to be holy as He is Holy, you can only become if He makes you Holy. Or according to the sayings of the LORD JESUS CHRIST "Blessed are the pure in heart because they will see God", so that you can have a pure heart only from Him, not through your own powers.

So that we can give a clear definition to the word Christian, I will not use a dictionary that is made by man, but I will use the Scripture written by the Apostles who walked with the LORD OF GLORY through the HOLY SPIRIT.

Prayer for the Enlightenment of Children's Minds...

Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, enlighten the minds of our children with Your life-giving grace. You, who give wisdom to the wise and understanding to the wise, send upon them Your Holy Spirit, the giver of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You have enlightened Your elect throughout time. You instilled in the three great teachers of the world and Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory of God the Speaker and John the Golden Mouth, that they appeared as chosen vessels of holiness, spreading the true faith in the world. You enlightened the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, and she put to shame the multitude of pagan rites. You, Lord, enlighten our children (names), so that they may learn the good things that please You and be filled with the knowledge of the truth. Give them knowledge, skill, patience and consideration. Let them not receive soul-losing knowledge, nor learn what is hateful to God. Make them obedient to the teachers who teach them what is good and diligent in fulfilling what they have been assigned. And at the right time, Lord, help them to find the place where they can use what they have learned and work for their good and for the benefit of their neighbor. You condemn those who bury their talents and bless those who skillfully multiply them. Order them, Lord, the One who orders everything for salvation, where to work, what to work and how to work. Give them, Lord, an increase in all good work and strengthen them in their faith so that they may testify to You through a pure living until the last moment of their lives. Amen.

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