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Information about Consecration or Consecration:

What is the feast? Sfeştania is the popular name for Agheasma Mică or the smallest consecration of water. From a theological point of view, the liturgy is a hierarchy. When is it done? It is performed by the priest in the church, on the first Friday of each month, in the evening after Vespers, and in the houses of the faithful, whenever the faithful ask, except in the week after Easter or after Christmas. It is good to be done at least once a year by every Orthodox Christian. The feast is celebrated in all fasts over the year, as well as on fast days over the week, Wednesday and Friday. Whoever can, it is good to perform ordination in all fasts. Those who cannot, should at least do it during Lent. The consecration service includes the consecration of water, the sprinkling of those present and all the rooms with holy water; as appropriate, release of curses, charms, oaths, prayers for reconciliation, for help and for the physical and mental health of those who live in the house are added. What are its fruits? By sprinkling with Agheasma, the cunning spirits from all over the place are chased away, therefore, the presence of evil is removed from the house, small sins and bad thoughts are forgiven, the mind is cleansed of impure things, diseases are banished and health is given to the soul and the body; the house is blessed with grace from God, with divine light. The unsanctified house, like the unbaptized man, is vulnerable to the work of the evil one, it can be haunted by evil spirits and the malice of people, by sorcerers or curses. But the sanctified house and those who live in the sanctified and blessed house are protected against all evils, if they themselves do not bring evil into the house by committing it. Preparation: Whoever wants to call the priest to perform the ceremony in the house, must know how to prepare for it. First, those in the house must confess and fast, avoid quarrels, enemies or other evils. Secondly, the house where the celebration is to be held must be clean. It is unthinkable to sprinkle holy water on a dirty or unkempt house, and this is because any sanctification service performed by the priest is equivalent to bringing God's grace into the house. The necessary things for the consecration: On a small table covered with a white tablecloth, facing the east, the following will be placed: 1. a wide-mouthed bowl with clean water; 2. a bunch of basil; 3. one bowl with flour and another with sugar; 4. a loaf of bread, a bottle of wood and a bottle of wine; 5. a box with burning coal and incense; 6. three wax candles; 7. a potter with the living in the house; 8. an icon (placed on the table facing east); 9. a clean towel (on which the priest will wipe his hand after consecrating the water).
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